
Omnichannel Admin's Guide


Configure the Omnichannel settings to streamline conversations from various communication channels into TeamPulse. Omnichannel provides the ability to set up and receive conversations from pop-up Livechat widgets on your website or channels like Facebook into your TeamPulse workspace.

To access the Omnichannel menu, go to Administration > Workspace > Settings > Omnichannel.

Remember to click Save changes to apply any changes made here.

Omnichannel Settings

Basic Settings

  • Omnichannel enabled: When set to true, it enables the Omnichannel feature on your TeamPulse workspace. Workspace administrators and omnichannel managers can now see the Omnichannel section to manage, while Omnichannel agents have access to their respective Omnichannel features.

  • Allow visitors to finish conversations: Disable this option to prevent visitors from closing ongoing conversations. This hides the Finish this Chat button on the widget and blocks the Close Livechat Room API for visitors, allowing only agents to close conversations.

  • Request comment when closing conversation: If enabled, agents must add a comment before closing a chat.

  • Accept new omnichannel requests when the agent is idle: Enable this option to let Omnichannel agents receive new chat requests when they are idle.

  • Continuous sound notifications for new omnichannel room: Set notification sound for a new omnichannel room.

  • File Uploads Enabled: Enable this option to allow file uploads on Omnichannel communication channels.

  • Ask visitors if they would like a transcript after chat closed: When enabled, Omnichannel visitors are asked if they require a transcript of their conversation after closing the chat.

  • Always send conversation transcript to visitors via email: Enable this option to automatically send the conversation transcript to visitors via email after the conversation is finished, regardless of the agent's preferences.

  • Include system messages in transcripts: Enable this option to include system messages in the conversation transcripts, such as when the chat starts, when someone joins the conversation, and when the chat is closed.

  • Message to Show When Asking About Transcript: This allows you to set a message that is displayed to the visitor when asking if they require a transcript.

  • Custom email subject for transcript: Enter an email subject for the transcripts sent via email. If you don’t enter a custom email subject in this setting, the default subject is used - "Transcript of your omnichannel conversation." Agents can override this value by passing a subject property when closing a room.

  • Enable department removal: Once departments are removed, there is no option to restore them. It is recommended to archive the department instead.

Livechat Settings


  • Livechat Title: Enter the title that is shown on your Livechat widget.
  • Livechat title background color: Set the background color for the Livechat title.
  • Enable message character limit: Enable the option to set a message character limit.
  • Livechat message character limit: Set a limit on the number of message characters allowed for visitors.

Offline Settings

  • Display Offline Form: When enabled, the offline form is displayed to visitors when there is no available agent.
  • Clear guest session when chat ended: Enable the option to clear guest session when a chat ends.
  • Validate Email Address: Enable the option to validate the visitor's email address.
  • Offline Form Unavailable Message: A message to display when the online form is unavailable.
  • Title: Set the offline form title.
  • Color: Set the color of the Livechat widget, which also changes the color of the Livechat icon.
  • Instructions: Instructions for your visitor to fill out the form to send a message.
  • Email Address to Send Offline Messages: An email address to which you want all offline messages to be sent.
  • Offline Success Message: The message displayed to the visitor after successfully sending an offline message.

Additional Settings

  • Allow Visitor to Switch Departments: When enabled, Livechat visitors can switch departments.
  • Show agent information: Enable this option to show information about the agent attending to a visitor in the Livechat widget.
  • Show agent email: When enabled, the Omnichannel agent's email is displayed to the visitor.
  • Conversation Finished Message: Set a message to be sent to a visitor when the conversation is finished.
  • Conversation Finished Text: Additional text to show after a conversation is finished.
  • Show Pre-registration Form: Specify whether to show the pre-registration form.
  • Show name field: Enable to show the visitor's name field.
  • Show email field: Enable to show the visitor's email field.

Widget Customization

  • Livechat Allowed Domains: Comma-separated list of domains allowed to embed the Livechat widget. Leave blank to allow all domains.
  • Send Livechat offline messages to a channel: Whether to send Livechat offline messages to a channel.
  • Channel Name: The channel to which Livechat offline messages should be sent.
  • Livechat Widget Additional Scripts: Add additional JavaScript scripts to the widget bundle.
  • Livechat Widget Additional CSS: Add additional CSS files to the widget bundle.
  • Livechat widget position on the screen: Select the widget's position on your site - Left or Right.
  • Livechat background: Set the widget background color or an image using a URL.
  • Hide system messages: Select system messages to hide in the livechat conversations.
  • Hide "powered by TeamPulse": Enable this option to hide the watermark in the widget.
  • Livechat widget logo: Change the logo of the widget.

Business Hours

Manage the following business hours settings:

  • Business hours enabled: Enable business hours.
  • Business Hour Type (Single or Multiple): Set the type of business hour. By default, workspaces on the community plan support only the single business hour mode.
  • Multiple Business Hour Feature: Available exclusively to workspaces subscribed to TeamPulse's premium plans.

CRM Integration

Integrate your TeamPulse Livechat events using webhooks to external tools or CRMs. Manage the following settings:

  • Webhook URL: The Webhook URL from the system you want to connect.
  • Secret Token: Enter the secret token for webhook verification.
  • Send Request on Chat Start: Sends a post request to the webhook endpoint when an Omnichannel chat starts.
  • Send Request on Chat Close: Sends a request when a chat gets closed.
  • Send Request on Chat Taken: Sends a request when an agent joins a chat.
  • Send Request on Offline Messages: Sends a request when a visitor leaves an offline message.
  • Send Visitor Navigation History on Request: Sends a request about a visitor's navigation history.


Configure GDPR data processing and consent.

  • Allow to collect and store HTTP header information: Determine if Livechat is allowed to store information from HTTP headers.
  • Force visitors to accept data processing consent: Visitors are not allowed to start chatting without consent.
  • Data processing consent text: Set the consent text that visitors see.

Queue Management

Configure the Omnichannel queue and manage simultaneous chats.

  • Waiting queue: Enable the Omnichannel queue.
  • Max. number of simultaneous chats: Set the maximum number of simultaneous chats agents can manage.
  • Maximum waiting time in queue: Set the maximum time for chats to remain in queue.


Routing allows you to define the behavior of your Live Chat queues.

  • Omnichannel Routing Method: Select your preferred routing method.
  • Accept with No Online Agents: Enable conversations to be accepted even when no agents are online.
  • Assign new conversations to bot agent: Attempt to assign new conversations to a bot agent before human agents.


Configure session settings to manage open chat sessions.

  • How to Handle Open Sessions When Agent Goes Offline: Select what happens when an agent goes offline.
  • How Long to Wait to Consider Visitor Abandonment: Set the wait time before considering a visitor has abandoned the chat.

Video and Audio Call

Configure the provider responsible for your video and audio calls.

  • Call Provider: Select the call provider to use for Omnichannel calls, which is Pulse Meet